Internet Business Plan Overview

Many individuals wish to establish an Internet business without having an Internet business plan. Having an online business holds plenty of advantages over a traditional bricks and mortar business. For one, the leverage that the Internet brings is unmatchable. With the Internet, you have the power to reach thousands, even millions of potential prospects and customers. Yet the incomparable flexibility and market reach of the Internet demands having an Internet Business Plan to increase your chances of succeeding.

A major problem with establishing an online business is that some people, especially those who are not too computer and Internet savvy, become intimidated by the concept of earning an income using the Internet. It does not help that there are so many so-called gurus that claim to have a magic formula that can make anyone rich online. To make it easier for people to become Internet entrepreneurs, a good plan is needed. This Internet business plan overview will provide a brief review of two of the most popular internet business plans available, Wealthy Affiliate University and One Week Marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate University As the name suggests, Wealthy Affiliate University (WA) is modeled after an actual school where you have the privilege of being taught by some of the most successful Internet marketers in the world and where you will have thousands of active members who are more than willing to be helpful classmates. Wealthy Affiliate's Internet business plan is to teach the various aspects of Internet Marketing in a broad-ranging, paced process.

If there is one thing that Kyle and Carson, the founders of WA, are successful in doing, it is organizing the tons of information about earning an online income and putting them in one place for people to easily access. Like a real university, WA has departments and colleges representing the different aspects of Internet Marketing, the main divisions of which are article marketing and pay per click marketing or PPC. WA provides many of the tools about which they teach. If you are looking for an all in one Internet Marketing training site and if you want to continuously learn the various ways of earning and income using the Internet then WA is for you.

One Week Marketing. If just need a quick lesson about one aspect of Internet Marketing then you should consider One Week Marketing (OWM) by Jennifer Ledbetter who is better known as Potpie Girl. As you can infer from the name, OWM will teach you how to have a running campaign in one week of intense step-by-step instructions using free or low-cost resources

If WA is a university then consider OWM a technical college, something that provides focused and effective yet low-cost education about a single aspect of Internet Marketing.

University vs. Tech School WAU and OWM approach Internet Marketing very differently; a general education providing many of the tools and programs used, while the other is much more focused on a step-by-step single method. It is not at all uncommon for an individual to pursue both paths simultaneously although this path is mentioned with some reluctance since it requires hard-work and dedication to succeeding. Neither program is a way to get rich quick working only 20 minutes a day!

May this Internet business plan overview of two of the most popular programs about earning an online income provide you with a better idea of the available resources.